
Medical and Healthcare Industry: What Is a Demographic Claim?

Medical and healthcare industry What is a demographic claim

Ever heard about patient demographics? It is one of the most important parts of information gathered by medical centers and hospitals from the patients.

The physician’s practice staff and hospital management are super keen to collect it and are extra vigilant in keeping the record of patient demographics safe. Why? To make a demographic claim later on if needed!

Here comes the question: what is a demographic claim? Well, to make it simple a demographic claim is about health insurance claims that use the information of the patient related to his medical history registered in the medical center or hospital if he is unwilling to make reimbursements or if he is in total denial of availing such medical services by the said medical practice.

Let’s have a look at demographic claims and patient demographics compiled by hospitals and medical centers.

What is a demographic claim?

A demographic claim is made by the physician if the payment is delayed or worst-case scenario denied by the patient.

It is very important to keep the information regarding the patient vital while submitting a claim as any kind of outdated or inaccurate information regarding the patient may lead to a delay in payment or complete denial from the patient.

This is the core reason why patient demographics are of utmost importance in a physician’s practice center. The demographics are very important to retrieve the delayed reimbursements as well as assist the physician in case the patient has any kind of allergies or any other medical history so that the treatment is done accordingly.

What is a demographic claim

What are patient demographics?

The data of patient demographics mainly comprises all kinds of specific information about the patient such as name, gender, age, allergies, insurance ID number, previous medical history, address, contact information, and SSN.

It is very important for the hospitals and other medical practices to have the patient demographics which are:

Quick – medical practices need to store all kinds of data related to the patient in a systematic way so that it is easier to find it later and also quickly accessed in case of filing any kind of claims.

The medical billing professionals are the ones who sought after the patient demographics and they want to retrieve the data quickly whenever needed.

Accurate – the accuracy of the data matters the most as this is what the claim is based upon. Any kind of minutest mistake or error will result in the dismissal or the rejection of the claim.

Points to note while compiling patient demographics

While compiling patient demographics, it is important to keep in mind certain notes such as:

Compile the data with care: The information which has been given by the patient must be stored with utmost care and diligence. A double check should be made on the information in order to ensure the accuracy of the given information.

Elimination of errors: To make sure that the information compiled is accurate, it is important to eliminate any kind of errors. Technology helps here and alerts the medical practices if the demographic data submitted by the patient is false or untrue and can be rectified immediately.

Updating the data at regular intervals: It is important to update the information on a regular basis as any kind of outdated information at the time of claim may result in denial or delay of reimbursement causing monetary problems for the medical practice.

Points to note while compiling patient demographics

Importance of patient demographics

As mentioned above, the patient demographics are like a backbone when it comes to making a claim for reimbursement in case the patient is unwilling to pay for the medical services. These demographics help in proving that the patient did avail the medical services and his current information is submitted along with the claim so that the case is not considered falsified and the medical practice earns its due share.

On the other hand, medical billing is a process that is very exhausting and time taking especially if it is conducted manually. The process requires focus, care, and diligence. If a patient is unwilling to pay the medical center the due reimbursement against the medical bill then it becomes important to claim so that the patient cannot deny that he availed of the services.

The demographics assist the physician to understand the patient better and treat him according to the information given by him such as any previous injury or medical record of disease, allergies, or genetically inherited disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure.


Patient demographics play a lethal role in the compilation of the records of the patients so that they can be used later on in case of any kind of claim. The patient demographics are stored with diligence and care in the technology-assisted places so that access is quick and timely in case a claim has to be made.

All these latest technologies have been amalgamated in the medical industry to assist physicians and to make the lives of doctors and patients easier in the long run.